HPVIS ML - mailing list

The HPVIS ML mailing list is maintained by HPVIS and is used to communicate information of possible interest to those with interests on Crabtree Neck or nearby. Mail subjects include lost bicycles, dances, meetings, restaurant availability, etc.

You can write to hpvisml@gmail.com and request to be added or taken off the list whenever and however often you chose to. During the winter there is very little mail. As Spring arrives and Summer gets going there can be quite a bit of mail.

The content of each message is ALWAYS clear from the subject line of each email. For example, "Subject: HPVIS ML: HP Chapel notice". The messages are sent with the addressees hidden (using bcc:) so that the privacy of those on the list is maintained. Sometimes messages are regarding nearby local services or businesses - all clearly identified so that recipients do not need to open messages of no interest.

The list is not shared. If you have something you wish to have sent to the list please send it to me. Please keep images and pdf's as small in size as possible. Questions, complaints, and suggestions should be addressed to me. -- Ned Peirce, HPVIS webmaster hpvisml@gmail.com